Thursday, January 31, 2008

Something about a Trunk Show

Lately all I've seeing are trunk shows. Jewelry, bridal attire, clothing, you name it, you can trunk it! That is what Little Black Dress does too. If you want to host a jewelry trunk show out of your home, we make it very easy to do.

First, get your list of invitees. I send out the invitations for you so you don' t have to worry about that. I'll even bring the snacks too! Our jewelry is beautifully displayed for your guests enjoyment. There are no presentations or silly games. Just lots of fun, glamour and shopping of course! What woman doesn't like to shop?? All jewelry comes beautifully packaged in our little black boxes and shopping bags.

I'll be hosting a Little Black Dress Trunk show in the spring. I'm organizing it now and will fill you in on the details. It will be in the Lehigh Valley area.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Little Black Dress Comes To The Lehigh Valley!

Welcome to my blog.

My name is Eileen and I am the first Little Black Dress jewelry consultant in the Lehigh Valley. I am so excited to show you all of the beautiful exclusive designs! Our jewelry is classic yet very fashionable, timeless yet affordable, and fun to show to. There are currently over 400 pieces in the catalog. Something for everyone and every taste!

If you love jewelry like I do, then contact me so I can show you everything in person either one on one or at a home show. I also plan fundraiser events for organizations who will allow me to showcase Little Black Dress Jewelry and help you earn a generous commission. If you are a bride needing some assistance with your bridal jewelry, I can help.

Little Black Dress is looking for fabulous, fun and upbeat ladies to represent their upscale jewelry line and earn money. Whether you are just looking for part time income, or you want to change careers, Little Black Dress can be your business! I'm looking for jewelry consultants in the Lehigh Valley who want to build a huge business with me. I love this company and I see a great opportunity for women with Little Black Dress. Join my team today and I'll get you started fast and in profit right away. Ask me how to get started for FREE!

Bridal Party Jewelry In The Lehigh Valley

Are you planning your wedding? Getting a little stressed out? Why not have a Little Black Dress Jewelry Show in your home with all of your bridal party. Sip some wine, laugh and enjoy eachother's company while shopping for your jewelry. Great idea!

Little Black Dress has classic and timeless styles that will go perfectly with your dress. Genuine freshwater pearls galore and sterling silver pieces with genuine gem stones. Fabulous, breathtaking designs all at very reasonable prices.

In fact, you can earn lots of free jewelry when you host a home show with your bridal party. Our home shows are not stuffy and there are no games and presentations to sit through. Just glamour and fun. Best of all, most items are in stock and ready to take home so there is no waiting for the jewelry to arrive!

Contact me, Eileen Brigantino, your fashion jewelry consultant with Little Black Dress and I'll fill you in on all the details.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's Time To Live Your Dreams!

This is 2008 and if you are over 40 like me, time seems to fly faster and faster! With all the opportunites out there, it can be extremely difficult to choose a company that fits. That being said, you still want to follow your dreams and live a life that is fulfilling and enjoyable before you get too old to enjoy it!

I have been a dreamer all my life. I have always believed that I shouldn't have to live in poverty or just get by. A good book that I recommend is "Purpose Driven Life". Read through this book over a 30 day period and by the time you are done, you will determine your purpose for being on this earth! After all, if you don't know why you are here or don't believe there is a reason for you being alive, then how do you get up in the morning??

There are people everywhere, all over the globe, who wake up day after day going to a job that they absolutely hate and never fulfill their dreams because they don't know how to dream anymore. They have been pushed down so often, that they have learned not to get back up again for fear of embarrassment, disappointment or failure.

I have friends and family who believe that it's best to get a "good job", health benefits and a retirement account. "Don't waste your time dreaming", they say to me. Wow. The day I stop dreaming and working toward living a life that I love, is the day I stop breathing. So, I have learned not to take those comments too seriously and be an independent thinker. Secretly though, I know my family is watching to see what will become of my endeavors. They hope that I will succeed but don't have the faith to believe and so they stay locked up in their cushy, safe jobs.

The reason i write this is to encourage all of you dreamers who haven't given up yet! Find what it is you love and go after it! I have tried numerous businesses over the past 20 something years and have had some success. It has taken me many years to get to where I am now but at least I'm here! Please, whatever you decide to do, do it with all of your heart and passionately. Live and love with passion. We are only here on this earth for a limited time. Make it worth your while and make an impression on those around you.

Today, January 23, 2008, do something for someone else and impact their life. Do something that you have never done before. What have you got to lose?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sterling Silver Jewelry Designs

This jewelry is amazing! I was looking for a home business that was not only lucrative, but it had to be fun! I don't have to do any presentations at my shows. All I need to do is wear the jewelry and set it up on a kitchen table so women can try them on and then take orders. If you want, you can have a theme party and serve wine and cheese, create a trunk show, plan a fundraiser, display at a dayspa or take book orders. When you earn 50% commission, it doesn't take long to earn money with Little Black Dress!

The quality is outstanding and the jewelry is classic and beautiful for just about any taste. I fell in love with our Gem Dandy ring for only $35 in sterling silver and rhodium plate. It has the look of an antique estate piece. Don't mistake the name, little black dress, for just dressy occasion jewels. Our jewelry can be worn with casual styles too.

Back to the opportunity..... by having a $600 show, which is about the average, you can earn $300 in 3-4 hours. Of course, like any business, you will have some expenses. So, after you pay for your hostess gift, and hostess credit, it's more like $240 but that is still not bad. For someone who is looking to earn a few dollars just to pay off a bill, this is easy! It's better than working a part time job for minimum wage and having to punch a clock!

Little Black Dress is easy, fun and the potential to earn not only part time money is there, but a full time income as well. With a little planning, and alot of work, you can become very successful. After all, if you are going to have to work hard, you might as well do it for yourself and your family. Not your employer. That has been my motto my whole life. Work for yourself, even if you have to start out doing it part time and work into a full time home business.

With Little Black Dress, you get paid first. You can sell out of your inventory if you choose to. Not many direct sales companies allow you to do this. I wanted the flexibility to do this. It's my business. I want to get paid first. I want to be able to sell jewelry in many different venues without restrictions. Little Black Dress gives more options, pays more money up front and has a really good compensation plan for those who want to build a team.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Little Black Dress Fashion Jewelry Company is looking for consultants

There is a dynamic and fresh direct sales company called "little black dress" that you may want to take notice of. Actually, they are already 4 years old and have over 400 jewelry consultants nationwide. They design beautiful, exclusive designer sterling and fashion jewelry pieces that are extremely affordable.

Their mission is to create a fun and glamorous direct sales company that would offer beautiful, high quality sterling silver and fashion jewelry at reasonable prices. Little Black Dress Indepenedent Jewelry Consultants are achieving financial and personal success with this ground floor opportunity!

I've recently committed to building a nationwide team of women who want to make a lot of money with little black dress. They offer a lucrative compensation plan at 50% commission and you can sell these beautiful exclusive pieces just about anywhere but ebay. Trunk shows, fashion shows, fundraiser events, home and office shows are just a few ideas.

There are no territories, quotas or minimum purchases. You can work when you want and create a flexible lifestyle.

If you love jewelry that is classic, timeless and affordable, then you will love little black dress fashion jewelry collection. If you want more information about this opportunity, email me at I'm looking for business builders. Women who are serious about changing their career, having it all and are not afraid to work for it!